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With Yuval & Suava
ADAMAE, Alentejo, Portugal


Join us for a beautiful five day journey together in the nature of Portugal with an intimate group of women from all walks of life but with the same call





During this retreat we will be tapping into what it means to be a woman and the beauty and hardship that comes with it. Allowing different parts of ourselves that might not have been loved or accepted to come up and be seen.

These repressed parts, also called shadow aspects, hold a big part of our power and so this is our time to allow them come out. Guiding them back home, into the light and connecting to our own inner power and gifts.

Through connecting and exploring different feminine archetypes you will have the chance to experiment and tap into different version of yourself in a safe and held space. Meeting yourself anew again and again. Allowing the raw feminine you to come out, be seen and held in a loving space of women.

We will also be putting special attention on the group dynamics, creating a space together where we can support and learn from each other. Strengthening the bond of sisterhood and releasing healing old wounds around jealousy and comparing.

Coming out of this retreat you will be able to explore which regained parts of you, living as a more wholesome woman with deep and loving bonds to new sisters.


❋ A deep and life-changing process that will transform you far beyond our time together
❋ A deep
connection to yourself and amazing women from all around the world
Meaningful workshops such as archetypal work & embodiment, breathwork, authentic relating, psycho drama, vocal activation & singing, cacao ceremonies, sharing circles, journaling, movement and more.
❋ A connection to your body, your breath, your heart and your energetic body
❋ A healing of wounds around community,  sisterhood and jealousy.
❋ Amazing nature 
Delicious homemade food

... would like to be around women in a safe space and feel the supporting sisterhood

... want to go deep into your journey towards living you true, authentic self

... want to connect with your gifts and inner powers

... want to slow down, retreat from the day-to-day life and connect to yourself on a deeper level 

... feel the call to explore different aspects of your femininity and meet new aspects of you that were hidden

... want to connect to a wider range of who you are- different archetypes & characters you hold within yourself 

... feel ready to have a closer look into  your patterns around intimacy and group dynamics

... want to heal and grow



Day one- Coming together & Creating a sacred space 

Day two- Vulnerability, Intuition, Receiving

Day three- Boundaries, Anger, Passion

Day four- Wisdom, Connection, Equanimity

Day five- Celebration, Integration, Wholeness


about us
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Hey, we are Suava and Yuval.
We met in Mexico a couple of years ago and became really good friends with the dream of creating spaces for healing and growth together.

We are very grateful for the opportunity to create and share this special retreat together. 
We've been told many times that  our energies complement each other so well in our work and the journeys we create. Together we will weave this container with love, dedication and  a range of modalities as well as our unique life experience.
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Hello, my name is Yuval or Yuvi.
I am a wild wolf woman that goes beyond society's agreements, yells in the forest. I am also a medicine woman that shares her voice with the realms of the angels, connects deeply to nature and feels like home with the animals and the river.
I create spaces for healing with the medicines of nature, community, free expression, relationships and work with the elements. 

I trained in pyschodrama, playback theatre, group dynamic therapy and holding space for initiation journeys in nature. I share my voice, write songs, hold space for vocal activation and singing circles
Everything I create I think of that as a ceremony, life can be sacred if we put the intention.
In the past I was teaching yoga and I'm also a water therapist (watsu).
I shared retreats and in Israel and in south & central America and I am really happy to share this retreat on this beautiful land of Portugal with my amazing colleague and friend Suava. 

Really excited for all of us to be there already on this beautiful journey. I'm feel really honoured by each of you that chooses to open up to and through our support. Also, I honour your power to choose yourself and follow your soul's calling, living a life that is much more whole.
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Hi my name is Suava. 
I’m a holistic coach and facilitator and have dedicated my life to being in service to truth. 

This has led me off the beaten track, exploring what is means to live and authentic aligned life. Studying with different teacher’s across the globe and training in different modalities like coaching, breathwork & tantra.

In the process I’ve had to let go of many limitations and things I once thought to be true.
Leading me to become more and more free of the boxes that society, family and we ourselves put us in. 

And now I share the teachings with others.
I open myself to be a channel for wisdom and love to flow through.
Seeing what it needed moment by moment. 

I love using tool like parts work, self-reflection, medicines of nature, the voice, as well as the help of ritual and energies like the archangels and elements. 

All with the loving intention to support you on your highest path. To support you to step out of your perceived limitations and question your current belief systems. 

Guiding you to open up to new horizons and potentials you might have never thought we’re possible.
Let's rise, sister! 

About Adamãe

Our home during this retreat will be a beautiful  boutique eco-resort overlooking country sights of endless hills, herds of cows, sheep and thriving cork trees. Providing a deep-within-nature kind of feeling it is located just 20 min away from the stunning beaches of Porto Covo. Adamãe is located in Costa Vicentina, Alentejo, 1h50 drive south of Lisbon airport and 1h55 drive north of Faro airport. A direct Rede Expresso bus is going a few times a day from Lisbon and Faro to the area.

❋ Shared Glamping Tent with 3 People
❋ Shared Glampig Tent with 2 People
❋ Private Glamping Tent
3 meals a day
homemade with love

All meals are vegetarian/vegan* 

*If you have any allergy you can let us know and we will take care of that


The moment I arrived to the retreat, the fears and concerns of what would happen and who would be there and how I would get along with these unfamiliar people disappeared in an instant....there was an instant connection with everyone.

Every little thing in the retreat, every workshop, gave me an empowering feeling.
A process of change and acceptance that could have taken a long time, took place in a few wonderful days. I will mention that during the whole drive back home, I didn't stop smiling and singing.

Thank you, for infusing me with amounts of positive energy, that even though we didn't know each other before, you gave me a huge gift, every money I invested in the retreat was worth this journey.

Remember that what you do is a service for all.




Early Bird
(Only available till 9.9.) / Price per person 

Shared Glamping (3 People)
837 Euro

Shared Glamping (2 People)
882 Euro

Private Glamping 

1125 Euro

Normal Bird
Price per person 

Shared Glamping (3 People)
930 Euro

Shared Glamping (2 People)
980 Euro

Private Glamping 
1250 Euro

Payment plans & Volunteering Spots available.
Send us a message for more infos 

The payment includes:
4 nights in boutique eco-lodge
3  healthy, delicious meals a day  
A schedule full of empowering workshops
Our support during and after the retreat

Extra expenses:
Transportation to the retreat

Cancellation Policy:
To secure your spot we ask for a deposit of 25%. This deposit is non-refundable.
The remaining balance can be paid before or at the retreat.

cancellation up to two weeks before the retreat- you will pay 50% of the price,
less than two weeks- 70% of the price.

Great! We're so happy that you're interested in joining
Before signing you up we'd love to have a call to:
 get to know you  hear about where you're at  
 introduce ourselves & your questions 
Please fill out the form and we will get back to you shortly.


Thanks for submitting! we will contact you soon through Whatsapp

sign up
Frequently Q&A 
  • האם אפשר להצטרף לקורס בזום?
    הקורס הוא קורס פרונטלי. במידה ויהיו שינויים במצב נחליט בין כולם האם נמשיך את הקורס בזום או נמתין. במצב שמישהו/י ממשתתפי הקורס נמצא בבידוד אתן אפשרות להצטרף בזום
  • אם מעולם לא תרגלתי יוגה האם הקורס מתאים לי?
    לחלוטין. בקורס נעמיק אל תוך התרגול ונלמד את הבסיס והקווים המנחים של תנוחות היוגה, הנשימה ועוד.
  • האם מקבלים תעודה בסוף הקורס?
    הקורס הוא לא קורס מורי יוגה ולא מקבלים תעודה בסופו. מקבלים מלא ידע ומוטיבציה לתרגול.
  • אני מתרגל/ת יוגה כבר תקופה, האם הקורס מתאים לי?"
    לגמרי! אם מעניין אותך להעמיק בדברים שבשיעור רגיל לא תמיד מספיקים, רוצה להבין, לחוות ולתרגל בצורה מעמיקה ויסודית, לגלות חלקים נוספים ביוגה מעבר לתרגול התנוחות, ולקבל כלים לתרגול יוגה ביתי אז הקורס לגמרי מתאים לך
  • האם יש הנחה אם מגיעים בזוג?
    כן :) יש הנחה של 10 אחוזי הנחה מהמחיר אם מגיעים בזוג או יותר. המחיר מתעדכן באופן אוטומטי באתר התשלום. זוג יכול להיות כל שני אנשים שמגיעים יחד. אם אתם/ן מסתבכים/ות עם התשלום באתר תפנו אליי. יובל 052-3335041
  • הקורס הוא לימודים עיוניים?
    רוב הקורס הוא עבודה עם הגוף. בתחילת המפגש מדברים קצת על הנושאים הנלמדים ואז חווים אותם דרך הגוף. מי שיותר קל לו ללמוד בעזרת קריאה יש את החוברת קורס שמלווה אותנו. ומי שנעזר בכתיבה בשביל ללמוד, יוכל לכתוב את כל הדיוקים והחידודים שאנחנו חווים ואולי לא כתוב בצורה הזאת בחוברת.
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